Thursday, 22 December 2011

Holiday sweaters and names for knitters

Have a look at these great winter woolies on the interesting blog Marginamia. It's a blog dedicated to design, beauty and creativity but, above all, NAMES. It's aboout the names in the margins, the marginalia. So, if you are every looking for a name, for a child or even a pet, this is a great resource:

Happy Christmas everyone!

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Christmas cheer

Yesterday, I bought a Christmas tree and went ice skating on the Wapenplein with Lieven and the children - Oostende is sparkling at the moment. The Christmas lights are very pretty (espcially noteworthy is the old sailing ship, The Mercator, which has twinkling lights up the two masts and the rigging, and the floral clock in Maria Hendrikapark). So, if you are not yet in the mood for Christmas, or feeling festive, here are Rozemie's marvellously cheery winter wonders to get you in the mood. Perfectly executed, as always, and totally loveable - aren't they great?

Tuesday, 6 December 2011


Beautiful people = beautiful knitwear! Here we have Marian and Ines (sisters in law) modelling their latest creations. Marian is wearing her fabulous Kaffe Fassett design (a real labour of love) and Ines is wearing 'Date Maker', knitted from a vintage pattern. It's a real gem and is just as successful today as in was 1940s (we hope you get asked on lots of dates, Ines, please let us know...). Another thing of great beauty is Ines's new hat, in blue and red. Not only is the pattern a delight but it is fantastically well made - the inside is just as perfect as the outside. Marian and Ines's recent work led to huge whoops of delight and admiration amongst the group. But that wasn't all, and Chris and Rozemie had other treasures in their knitting bags..... but that's for a another day (watch this space). Barbara and Jan were absent and much missed, everyone sent their love. Barbara, get well soon (and good luck in LA!).

Monday, 28 November 2011

Quartier Bricole

Quartier Bricole: there are lots of new things going on in Brugge. Have a look and click on the PDF links for more info ...

Friday, 25 November 2011

Scarves for winter

I keep coming across amazing knitting related discoveries. Check out this Etsy shop for the most gorgeous handknitted accessories. Now, I'm not advocating copying another designer's work but, wow, wouldn't it be great to take inspiration from this and knit your own super big scarf for the winter? So do-able! So easy! Just pick a colour and go. The best project ever for anyone who likes to knit in front of the TV of an evening....

Thursday, 24 November 2011


KAFFESLABBERAS // MADS AND ERNA (SUBTITLED) from Kaffeslabberas on Vimeo.

Danish pensioners knit for fashion designers. Do watch this great film (in Danish with English subtitles). In between HD and Vimeo are four arrows pointing outwards - click on this to watch the film on full screen. It's an inspiration.

Monday, 21 November 2011


Doubts and difficulties are a thing of the past! I don't often write about my own work but I could not resist showing you all the famous baby blanket now it's finished. After all, if you've been coming to the knitting club regularly, you'll have lived with this project as long as me. I'm sending it off tomorrow and I'm sorry you won't have the chance to see it in the flesh. Needless to say, I worried for nothing - it's actually turned out very well and I like it alot. It's colourful, soft, pretty and cosy with a vintage, but quite contemporary feel. It's lovely! I used Debbie Bliss Cashmerino (from Stoffenidee in Ghent), a size 4.0mm hook and a basic Afghan pattern. To finish, I crocheted two rounds of double crochet in white, then a row of treble's in green, a row of trebles in purple, a row of trebles in white and then a simple picot stitch edging. What more can I say, except that it took A LOT of time!

Here are the 2011-2012 dates for your diaries:

Volgende afspraak: zondag 4 december, 11am - 3pm.

Geen brei club in januari.

Terug op de eerste zondag in februari, zondag 5th februari, 11am - 3pm.

And have you seen Sini's Etsy shop? Ladies and gentlemen, if you ever doubted you could sell your knitting on line, you CAN!!! Let this be an encouragement to us all and, Sini, we wish you lots of luck and success with your new venture. Let us know how it goes.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Beren en bollen!

Rozemie presented us with her latest craft project on Sunday - handmade bears! What a surprise! They were so beautifully constructed and finished that it was almost impossible to believe that she hadn't been making bears for years and years. But no! These two adorable little bears represent her very first attempt at teddy bear making.

And Barbara has found a wonderful book of patterns for knitted Christmas tree balls - it contains something like 55 different patterns for the most wonderful festive ornaments. Barbara always makes beautiful handmade Christmas tree decorations. Every year it's something new and inspiring. So here they are - the two bears and two of Barbara's Christmas delights.

It was a great afternoon and wonderful to welcome our friends from Hasselt (Jan and Marie Therese!), Gent (Anne!) and Leuven (Bieke!). Are we the knitting club whose members travel the furthest? And Nell learnt to crocht with Luce - talk about fun!

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Kantbreiwerk uit Estland

Boodschap van Catherine Janssens uit Mechelen. Zij heeft een mooi brei wol winkel:


op zondag 6 november gaat er in Mechelen een Workshop Kantbreiwerk uit Estland door, gegeven door the Dutch Knitters en Catherine's online wolwinkel. We hebben nog twee kandidaten nodig om de workshop laten door te gaan. zijn er misschien mensen uit jullie breiclub die interesse hebben in kantwerk?
meer informatie kan je vinden op

Hier in Mechelen wordt er een open-breiatelier opgestart, wordt leuk en boeiend!

Lieve groet,
Catherine Janssens

Monday, 24 October 2011

Finger Mouse

Just a wee little thing to brighten your day - Birthe's finger mouse! Isn't he lovely?

Sunday, 2 October 2011

A masterpiece

Ines has every right to smile - she's just finished Kate Davies' Paper Dolls sweater in Rowan fine tweed.

If you don't know Kate Davies, read her inspiration blog here: The Paper Dolls pattern can be downloaded here:
It was wonderful to finally see one of Kate Davies' designs knitted up and, of course, it's abslutely gorgeous. Such an inspiration.

Congratulations Ines!

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Made in Oostende: Pascale's stunning scarf

This photograph of Pascale's beautiful scarf was taken in Ghent on Sunday. It's simply gorgeous - partly beacuse of the wool but mainly because it has been finished with such love, care and attention to detail. Crochet at it's best! A 'dikke proficiaat' Pascale!

NB. From now on we'll be posting the Made in Oostende projects on the home page (it's easier) but maintaing a list of links to the posts on the Made in Oostende page as well as labelling the posts so you can find them again.

Cupcakes and Constable - the English Afternoon

On Sunday 25th, the knitters of Oostende (not to mention Ghent and Hasselt) settled down for an afternoon of British art, delicious cup cakes and some serious knitting. We even had our portrait sketched. It was a great, fun day and thank you to the knitters who participated and the museum for inviting us.

DON'T FORGET: knitting on Sunday in the Coo, 11.00 am!

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

English Afternoon

Ladies and gentlemen! Don't forget it's the English Afternoon at the Museum voor Schone Kunsten on Sunday, from 1-6pm. Just think....tea, CUPCAKES, muffins and scones, music, guided tours, cricket and more.....and KNITTING of course!!!

Monday, 12 September 2011

Guerilla knitting in Ghent

Here is some fun information received today. There is also a facebook page:

Leden van de breiguerilla

Een tijdje geleden riepen we jullie op om te breien voor S.M.A.K.

Wel, we hebben nu wat meer info over deze actie!


Op 02.12 gaat de educatieve tentoonstelling ‘RAAK’ van start. Deze tentoonstelling ‘RAAK’ wil mensen samenbrengen en hen even doen stilstaan bij het zintuiglijke. Met deze filosofie in het achterhoofd, geïnspireerd door het wollen kunstwerk van Johanna Schweizer in de tentoonstelling, willen wij vriendschappen doen ontstaan, een brug slaan tussen generaties én met het meters breiwerk een groots plan uitwerken in het najaar…


De aftrap wordt gegegeven op de Gentse cultuurmarkt op 17 september en we rekenen ook op jouw komst! Voor de gelegenheid tovert S.M.A.K ook haar stand op de Cultuurmarkt om tot breisalon. We hopen dat jullie met z’n allen met breinaald en wol aan de slag gaan om te breien. Koekjes, gezellige poefjes en meters wol, alle ingrediënten zijn aanwezig! Je aanwezigheid kan je bevestigen bij

Laat Burgemeester Termont een steekje vallen?

Dit keer geen lintjes die worden doorgeknipt door de burgemeester! Gecoacht door breiers pur-sang (misschien ben jij dat wel?) en doorwinterde knutselaars zal Gents burgemeester Termont wel de allereerste ‘steek’ voor zijn rekening nemen.

PERIODE VAN 17.09 tot 02.12.2011:


Mensen & wol verzamelen

* Verzamel een aantal mensen om samen te breien. Samen breien heeft vele voordelen : je kan elkaars wol gebruiken, je kan grotere projecten aanpakken, je kan elkaar helpen, het is veel gezelliger (zeker met een hapje/drankje).

Geef je breiclub een eigen naam.

* Hou een wolinzameling : klop aan bij oma, buurvrouw en vraag naar restjes wol. ( je kan ook een oude trui verwerken). Enkele tips :

- Synthetische wol heeft als voordeel dat het kleurecht is, bestand is tegen weer en wind, goedkoper is en bovendien goed in vorm blijft. Echte wol is minder geschikt voor buiten.

- gebruik verschillende structuren en kleuren

- neem breinaalden nr 6 of 7 en de bijhorende wol, dat breit sneller.

- Instructiefilmpjes zijn te vinden op het internet

- Haken kan natuurlijk ook !

In een latere fase verzamelt S.M.A.K.

* alle breiwerkjes

* alle benodigdheden om alles vast te maken : draad, naald, schaar, ladder, fototoestel,…

* we spreken een datum af (voor de opening van de expositie) met de breiclubjes en media om alles te bevestigen op één of meerdere interessante locaties in de stad.

Vergeet ons niet op de hoogte te houden van jullie activiteiten ! Dit kan je doen door foto’s door te sturen


Zo nu weten jullie al heel wat meer. Nu nog data bepalen om met de stukjes aan het werk te gaan…

Voor meer info kan je terecht bij :

Ann Van Acker

T: 0477 188 197


Keep knitting!

Friday, 9 September 2011

Now is the time to..... your winter wool! 10% off in Stoffenidee in Ghent between 10th and 17th Ghent. Go, go, go!

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

What's not to love about....?

Reversible toys!

It was great to see everyone on Sunday and a delight to discover Ines's totally wonderful reversible toy. With apologies for the unatural colours in the middle photo (I had to adjust it so you could see the little creature in all its reversible glory), isn't it a complete and utter joy?

There are new invitations and ideas for autumn on the events page - have a look and join in. The more the merrier! Don't forget to check 'Made in Oostende' for an update on the Blondeel sisters' latest creations (there are more updates to follow on other fantastic work).

Finally, a huge thank you to Barbara for keeping the show on the road over the summer and all her hard work on the blog.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Returning home

A ball of yarn...

... busy hands...

... an afternoon among fibre-loving people

As summer is drawing to an end and weary, yet happy, travellers are starting their journey home (doubtlessly with many new stories to tell), we have returned to the Droge Coo.

Have a look at the page "Made in Oostende", where we will present what our group-members are working on.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Come rain or shine....

..... and it shone! The knitting picnic was a HUGE success! Thank you to Barbara for, yet again, impressive ideas and communication. Thanks to Rozemie for the most delicious, homemade redcurrant and rhubarb tarts. Thanks to the little ones who played and played (Nell, Marius and Leon, in descending order of age). Thanks to the guys who downed some beers, read Humo and made us laugh out loud with the limbo (Lieven!). And thanks to you all for making it so much fun: the happy, talented, brilliant knitters of Oostende (and Ghent! And Brugge! It was great to see you AJ and Marie Paule and thanks for joining us for a sunny, joyful, creative afternoon). I'm off on holiday for a bit but Barbara holds all the contact info and the Droge Coo is open Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 16.00 and we are always welcome. So, don't hesitate - enjoy the summer and each other! I think another get together might be in order and Barbara will keep in touch. In case you need her: Or sms or email me as I'll be touching base every once in a while. Next meeting proper: Sunday 4 September, 11.00, Droge Coo. Happy holidays!

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Zalig brei dagen!

What a beautiful day it was on Sunday - our last gathering in the Droge Coo until September. Here you can see the wonderful variety of knitting we are all busy with, from Sini's starfish cloth to Barbara's elephants and wristlets, by way of Marianne's gorgeous Kaffe Fassett cardigan. And I've seen it - the back is a perfect as the front! And last but not least - two happy children who got to play on the beach whilst their mother did her knitting!!


Sunday 10th July - the great Oostende Brei picnic!!!

Wanneer: Zondag 10 juli 2011
Hoe laat: 14u tot ?
Waar: Het grote grasveld dicht bij de watertoren in het Maria Hendrika-Park ('t Bosje, ingang aan het dierenasiel)

Breng een drankje en een snack voor jezelf, alsook iets om op te zitten en natuurlijk jouw brei- of haakwerk. Vergeet ook niet je tegen de zon te beschermen!

Meer informatie: Barbara of Helen

Monday, 13 June 2011

KIP DAY 2011 - people

Rozemie, Claire, Barbara, Winny and I left Oostende for Ghent at 9.42, picking up Sini in Bruges on the way. And here are just a few of the great people that made the day so special...